
We’ve Been Busy!



From Idea to Innovation: How One Entrepreneur is Revolutionizing Customer Service with AI! Feature on New Berks LaunchBox Coworking Company, Agent23.AI  For over two decades software engineer Munish Munagala has worked in various managerial positions leading IT teams,...

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Ornament Making

Ornament Making

The Berks LaunchBox hosted two, free community events in December for make and take holiday ornaments including snowflakes made on 3d printers, and custom wooden ornaments made on a laser cutter. Hot chocolate and holiday cookies were enjoyed, and lots of fun had by...

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Kids Learn Engineering

Kids Learn Engineering

So glad the Berks LaunchBox could help with the GoggleWoods Day Camp!  It was inspiring to see the participants' creativity.  Campers explored different engineering disciplines by:   building a tower out of spaghetti completing an electrical light-up greeting card...

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