House & Lawn Signs – CNC Router Workshop

Learn how to design and cut a house sign or winter lawn sign on our CNC Router. Paint the sign in our space or at home for a beautiful finished appearance.
Need a gift for the special someone? At this fun event you will learn how to use v carve software to design your own house or yard sign! We will have a few designs ready for you to customize with your imagination to help celebrate the winter season. We will then transfer the design to our CNC Router to cut out your project. The provided plywood will be 12”x12” in size. You are welcome to bring your own plywood with a maximum size of 20”x 20” x1/4”.
This is a free event with no charge for one sign per person. Children are welcome with their adult.
Held at the Berks Launchbox, at the GoggleWorks Center for the Arts, Suite 105. Work at your own pace. Free parking is available on a flat lot behind the building.
Please note – designs may differ from those shown in photos.
Thursday, December 14 from 6-8 p.m.
Questions, email us at