Learn Tools to Minimize Risk for your Startup

Make Your Startup Soar with Lean Startup

Get started building your business with the Lean Startup method! The majority of documented business ideas fail, but you can greatly improve your chances of business success by learning the Lean Startup method. Through customer discovery you can verify you are headed in the right direction by confirming you have identified a real problem and if your solution truly addresses the problem. Learn how to fail fast, pivot, then find a product market fit and business model that will be successful.

Start-up success is not a consequence of good genes or being in the right place at the right time. Success can be engineered by following the right process! Eric Ries, serial entrepreneur, authored the book “The Lean Startup”, to teach his method to de-risk your venture to other entrepreneurs, which the LaunchBox follows when mentoring startups. 

Lean startup is a methodology for developing businesses and products that aims to shorten product development cycles and rapidly discover if a proposed business model is viable. This is achieved by adopting a combination of business-hypothesis-driven experimentation, iterative product releases, and validated learning. Learn how it can de-risk your startup and get your product to market faster.

Please watch this free 30-minute Lean Startup introductory video at your leisure and schedule a date below to meet over zoom with the Berks LaunchBox staff to brainstorm your next steps and learn about our upcoming Idea Testlab free class that offers up to $3000 in grant funding for customer discovery and prototyping for those that qualify.

Watch 30 minute Lean Startup Video

Sign-up for an Information Session to discuss options for your next steps to learn how to make your startup soar. Please note that the services of the Berks LauchBox are free.  

Register for Wednesday, 8/18/21: 6:30 – 7:00 pm zoom information session Register for Thursday,  8/19/21: 12:00 – 12:30 pm zoom information session

If you aren’t available at either time, please fill out our resources inquiry form and we will setup a private meeting with you at a time that works for you. https://forms.gle/qoqYPefGGTnorwD86

Please note that the video is from November 2020 by our partner at the Harrisburg LaunchBox, but please come to the Berks LaunchBox for your steps forward unless you live in the Harrisburg area.

Any questions – email BK-InnovationHub@psu.edu

Lean Startup Method visual explanation